Creative Journaling 101
Welcome Inner Reviewers to Creative Journaling 101 I hope that you enjoy journaling and find it both enlightening, interesting and healing. I have found journaling to be a great exercise when I am feeling stuck, uncertain, or need some questions answered, and sometimes just to see what comes from my triggers.
For those of you that have never journaled before it is best to keep your routine as simple as possible.
# Choose a time that works well for you and decide how much time you are going to allow yourself for this practice, always start with a doable amount of time, add more when ready.
# Choose a place where you will be undisturbed, quiet with no distractions. Some people like to go outside when the weather is favourable, or use their bedroom for privacy, others like the sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee/tea, whatever works for you.
# Use an Journal, Notebook or Exercise book whatever works, it doesn't have to be fancy but practical. Single pieces of paper are not always easy to keep in one place and get misplaced easily. It is always good to be able to look back over your journaling to see how you have changed or let go of something bothering you or to remember your big aha moments again.
# Decide if you want to start your practice of journaling 2, 3 or more days/evenings so you create a routine, that will increase your ability to relax more and more to go deeper into the well within. Once again set a doable amount time and let that grow automatically so much ore powerful, rather than making yourself sit and write.
# If you feel the need to journal and it is not your day or time follow your gut and write until you stop, those are usually the nuggets we receive by creating time and space for our natural intuitve self to get a message to us.
# Always give yourself five minutes of deep breathing to let go of your day and to center into the this now moment of journaling.
# If you feel you would like to share your thoughts and finding within the group that is great, however if you wish to use it to connect with like minded people that is good too. All I ask is to be respectful of each other and agree to disagree at times, we are all perfect, unique and exactly where we are meant to be.
# if you have any questions at any time use the group to share them or use one of the forms on the website which will go directly to me.
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May 27, 2021
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