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Mind Body Spirit 

Mind Body Spirit workbook is a Healing Program that teaches you how to activate your

highest potential by taking quantum leaps for greater life fulfilment

upgrading your gifts of insight and inner knowing to higher levels.



  • Remove all worn-out outdated programs running un-noticed

  • Accelerate your life to your optimum best

  • Accept the opportunity to take quantum leaps

  • Embrace the opportunities for transformation and change

  • Discard old patterns of thinking for high vibrational ones

  • Feel vibrationally lighter having gained a deeper/higher context of life

  • Activate your highest potential when you heal life stressors

  • Enjoy improved relationships while feeling whole and confident

  • Learn how to activate your inner listening to higher levels

  • Reconnect your mind body spirit to live a rewarding passionate life

        Your Healing Program teaches you:

  • How to accelerate your life to your next best level by taking you back to the drawing board of life to discover what opportunities are available to make quantum leaps to your best levels.

  • How to overcome the dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behavior to foster new opportunities with greater self-awareness to activate inner happiness and wellbeing.

  • How to restore and upgrade your true self and gifts of insight to your next best level, while removing all worn-out out of date programs that are still running in the background.

  • Learn how to activate your highest potential by healing the stressors you body has held onto preventing you from achieving your highest potential.

       Learn how to:

  • Reveal your hidden opportunities for greater life fulfillment by restoring your highest gifts of insight and inner knowing to see your hidden opportunities for big transformation and change.

  • Create improved relationships with others while healing your pain from the past, feeling whole and confident to take inspired actions towards your dream life.

  • Deepen your spiritual connection and consciousness to record heights by continuing in healing your thoughts and feelings to record levels opening the doors for spirit to communicate.

  • Turn your mind chatter into useful creative solutions that solve your issues and help you overcome obstacles

       So, you can:

  • Heal the pain from the past feeling whole and confident to make these life changes permanently, feeling stronger emotionally.

  • Activate your inner listening to know exactly what is being said deepening your spiritual connection and consciousness to record heights.

  • Unlock your potential to influence and manifest the person you know deep down inside you are. Healing your past for good opens your internal guidance to new levels.

  • Embrace your highest and best potential knowing you have gained a deeper and higher context of life.


        The problem preventing you:

  • Your reluctance to going back to basics to see where you have held yourself back by not dealing with certain situations in life. These situations need to come to the surface, be examined and either deleted and or healed.  Our emotional and mental bodies hold out of date, worn out programs that are still running in the background un-noticed. They are preventing many from   seeing their hidden opportunities for transformation and big changes.


       The pain of your problem:

  • Many people don’t believe in their self-enough to believe that they can manifest an awesome life. They feel it is only for some people… wrong It is available for everyone. The workbook breaks everything down into doable steps, there is always support available by joining the group for your workbook. But the main pain is the inner pain you are holding onto by not giving yourself the freedom to be all that you are. If you are reading this you know your heart and soul are calling you to heal your pain and become your authentic self who came here to live your highest and best self because you can.

Your healing transformation occurs:

By deep diving into your core you can reveal your hidden opportunities that are available for you now. These opportunities are for your highest transformation and your biggest and best changes. Learn how to activate your highest potential by healing the stressors your bodies hold. Give yourself the freedom to achieve your highest potential again and again and again…………

Mind Body Spirit Story




I became aware early on in my journey of self-discovery that balancing the mind, body and spirit took a lot of work, well for me anyway. I had been in Canada about two years and had jumped straight into developing my spiritual gifts. My biggest surprise to that was…it meant I had a lot of healing to do……I found myself asking, what has that got to do with it.

Everything I was told again and again, so I made a promise to myself that I was going to do whatever it took. Again, I thought that won’t take long and again I was wrong. I was told it could take a lifetime, which was not encouraging thinking that my whole life in front of me was about healing myself. I was thinking what about everybody else are they healing too or is it just me. I was told it was just me and everybody else would decide for their self. Not a good start to my journey of self discovery, but I was determined I was going to do it my way. I think stubborn is my middle name.

I decided if I was going to do this, I was going to do it with like minded people, then we could do it together and make the process interesting. I decided I would start a group at my home and learn about developing our intuition. This involved using many different spiritual teachings that also included healing our physical, emotional, mental self. For ten years we continued this healing journey and learned many healing techniques and teachings, it was great fun. I knew If I was going to have to do this healing work to become my true self it would have to be interesting, or I wouldn’t do it.

I am so pleased I did do it because it increased my intuition and perception ten-fold, and I went on to work as a medium in the Psychic Fairs loving every minute of it. I am convinced that focusing on healing myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually made the difference. I know without a doubt that healing our mind body and spirit makes a difference to our world hence this Healing Program. I hope you enjoy it too.


The Mind Body and Spirit Healing Program guides you through a process of identifying and eliminating the personal obstacles and challenges that have inhibited personal growth. These challenges have prevented your creative thinking keeping you stuck in the same old patterns.

Learn how to transform old lingering hurts turning them into opportunities of growth and transformation healing your mind body and spirit. Re-ignite your natural gifts to embrace more of your authentic self.

A part of the program is removing stuck dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaviour that have become ingrained in your mind, body, and spirit. Recognising these patterns and dealing with them boosts your self awareness increasing your perception to new higher levels.

You get the chance to transform old hurts in life passed down through your lineage that have prevented you from healing and seeing life’s opportunities. Allow old deeply held beliefs to blossom into beautiful intentions when you uncover your truth and let it serve you.

Your Mind Body Spirit works in tandem with your soul’s journey by supporting you in gaining back all your gifts you earned in other lifetimes to benefit you in this lifetime. This allows you to embrace more of your natural intuitive skills and self awareness to heal your past and manifest your highest and best life.

Deepen your spiritual connection and consciousness to record levels living life on your terms. Manifest great relationships healing the pain from your past feeling whole and confident as you create a healthier happy fulfilling life now and in your future.

The Mind Body Spirit Program shows you how to take quantum leaps restoring and deepening your gifts of insight to optimum levels.

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