Mind Body Spirit Healing Workbook
Mind Body Spirit Healing Workbook
This healing program is for people who feel uninspired, bland and boring, inadequate, lack motivation or generally feel detached from others/life/self.
Are you finding yourself bored and uninspired with yourself and life in general. Feeling like you have unplugged and disconnected from all the things you once enjoyed and looked forward to, and now bore you. Finding yourself settling for much less than you really want or deserve. Lost your passion.
The Inner Peace Mind Body Spirit healing program shows you how to unplug from the uninspired detached self and plug you back into your capable competent self. Where you inspire your choices/decisions/dreams with your renewed body mind spirit connection. Owning your originality and what makes you special and stand out in your field of expertise. Leaving you to enjoy the pleasures and passions of life enriched by your deeper connection of your mind body and spirit.
Working through your healing exercises you gain the benefits of reconnecting your own powerful support system your inner knowing, inner feeling and inner seeing, your intuitive self.
Learning once again to embrace this unstoppable force puts you firmly in the driving seat living your dreams and passions.
It helps people who feel inadequate learn to accept their expertise and originality, knowing their competence motivates them to achieve their needs in their relationships, career and homelife.
Support is available for healing program workbooks by booking:
group online coaching or one on one coaching.
These healing programs can be taken by themselves or through one on one online coaching, or an online group course.
Not sure if this course is for you? Check out our free sample E-books to see if this is what you have been looking for. https://www.hazelburton.com/free-e-books